
They want an unstable grid! That just means more stuff! Emergency!

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by B.F. Randall ⚛ ⛏ ⚡

This is a terrific article. It's why my colleague Mitch and I always model the utility profits in our research. https://www.americanexperiment.org/reports/the-high-cost-of-100-percent-carbon-free-electricity-by-2040

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Isaac I just saw this. See your email.

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Oct 13, 2022Liked by B.F. Randall ⚛ ⛏ ⚡

This all makes sense now: frighten rate payers with end-times climate propaganda and they won’t complain much about skyrocketing energy prices. A racket indeed. 😵‍💫

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Nov 14, 2022Liked by B.F. Randall ⚛ ⛏ ⚡

It is a mixture of well meaning ignorance and sometimes malevolent motives by policy makers.

But until people really understand the "85% camel vs the 15% gnat" World energy use from 1965 -2022 that you (BF) highlighted in another post. We just will keep seeing endless ignorance and straight up malevolence tolerated by the masses of well meaning but deceived people concerning real solutions. Europe is in fear now of the winter 2022 and beginning of 2023. Hardship will also cause more to wake up. BF please highlight the 85% to 15% again and again. Solar and wind will not meet the need of the heavy diesel engines that civilization needs to function. BF 85-15😀

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Apparently France benefits from child labour in Niger to get its uranium. Not that this invalidates your argument.i

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Excellent information. Thanks!

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