It’s great to see you back as your previous contributions are the primary reason I joined Substack, and I’ve shared them more times than I can count. Great comparison with that big beautiful bridge which never would have happened by Jigar's model.

Jigar’s interview leaves me with whiplash.

So many of his statements and comments are jaw-dropping in their irrationality. Of course we need a diversified grid, but diversified among the things that actually work and are efficient with regard to land use and other resources. To treat nuclear as if wind and solar are in the same universe is truly astounding, particularly from someone in such a position of influence.

Your previous sharing of and comments on John Pettimore’s contributions illustrate so clearly the outrageous environmental and humanitarian costs of these “clean” energies. Thank you for sharing this, and don’t be a stranger! We need your voice.

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No matter what is said about why Nuclear is distained by so many, at the root is the Petro Dollar, the Worlds Reserve currency, and maybe not for long to be the worlds reserve currency either with BRICS seemingly poised to change that. Fossil Fuels as far back as 1948, at the very beginnings of the Atomic age, had pit bulls in congress lobbying for Fossil fuels, and to suppress Nuclear. So the biggest blockage to Nuclear, the best and safest known way to power the economies of the world, has always been the Petro Dollar in conjunction with US Government.

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Jigar is far and away the worst guest ever to appear on the Decouple podcast. I really don’t know how Dr Keefer kept his cool. Jigar struck me as perhaps the most arrogant prick to serve in our wonderful government. Who on earth appointed this guy?

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If I remember correctly he also said something along the line of "nobody has done more for the nuclear industry than he has in the past few years"…

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I did listen to this podcast and it was somewhat nonsensical. How can he pretend objectivity when renewables (unreliables) are being subsidezed and nuclear stymied at at every turn?

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Regardless of the job title Jigar is a shill for the renewable industry at the detriment of the nuclear industry. Having this guy in this position is just another way for the government to obstruct nuclear.

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The examples of vertically integrated Govt successful nuclear builds are so numerous and obvious that ignoring them takes some considerable mental hyperflexibility.

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The Ambassador Bridge connects Detroit, MI, USA with Windsor, ON, CA. It was privately built and owned.

The real problem is risk. Mega projects need mega dollars. No private group would risk the investment if the return was subject to the whims of the government.

The high capital cost for Nuclear and the high risk mean that private businesses would be reluctant to invest. The significantly lower cost of SMRs make them a better alternative.

NASA continues to finance schemes that are overpriced failures (Artemis) vs Starlink that is used to finance SpaceX.

Tesla suceeded because the government is pressuring everyone to be 'greener', not because batteries and motors already existed. An electric car in an area that is powered by coal is absurd.

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I hope just as much research is done on MSRs...thanks for this article and good to see you back !

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Agree with a lot of this. Nothing wrong with being pro market and free market, but you can’t just leave the bloated parasitic government agencies in place and then talk about how all the players need to be subsidized to get through that bloated garbage.

There is also nothing wrong with SMRs- we are going to need tons of em. High Temp Gas, LWR, Molten Salt, Liquid Metal, etc etc. Large plants too.

All of this discussion seems to get mired in nonsensical visions about how big the parking lot is and how many union jobs we need blah blah blah. Give me a plant that takes 5 people to run and we will build a million of them and employ way more than big ass plants that need 800 people and an army to “protect” them. Union or not, higher economic efficiency means better lives for more people.

Tell Jigar to spend his money to help others get rid of the bureaucracy and overinclusive government that stops us from building anything.

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Any way to suggest Jigar read Prophets of Regulation?

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