Hey there European Greenies, how's that "Nuclear Power Phase Out" policy working out for you? Just like the Engineers told you it would but you did it anyway.

In 2017, the government set a goal to reduce the proportion of nuclear power in France’s energy mix from 75% to 50% by 2025, whilst encouraging the development of renewable energies through the “Plan Climat” Fessenheim’s two reactors closed. Brilliant! Might as well run them into the ground and "reinvest" operating profits into new Solar Farms and Windmills! Double Smart!
Anti-Nuclear Power Superheroes like Charlotte Mijeon, whose qualifications rival those of Greta T. (“chargée de communication médias chez Réseau Sortir du nucléaire”), spokesperson for the anti-nuclear group Sortir du nucléaire, told Voice of America news the Fessenheim closure is welcome news, but contended it doesn’t go far enough." Shut them all down! After all, that that was her goal starting all the way back in 2011.
Their policy is to wreck nuclear power and replace it with Rube Goldberg energy machines that work like this:
Fortunately for Ontario, the leaders understand objective reality at least in part—they support nuclear power. But much to the chagrin of Ontario ratepayers, Ontario has also installed a lot of Rube Goldberg Wind. To save the Climate.
Meanwhile, back in France, there is at least one person who understands Objective Reality (e.g., Valérie Faudon, M.S., Stanford University), General Delegate of the French Nuclear Energy Society (SFEN) and Vice President of the European Nuclear Society (ENS), easily saw what would happen in 2022. And she wrote and spoke about it a lot.
✅Social unrest✅Climate emergency ✅Increase in CO2 and air pollution + Deaths✅ Energiewende disaster
✅German Lignite Coal ✅ Massive Dependence on Natural Gas.
✅Insecurity of Electricity Supply✅ "real risk in the winter of 2022-2023" due to plant closures in France and neighboring countries (does this sound familiar?). I could go on but read it for yourself.
This is an IQ Test: What is really going on here? RodAdams saw it coming in 2011.
2011 - right after Fukushima, some people saw a massive business opportunity.
This was published in 2011.
1 + 1 = 2. Who passed the IQ Test?
Caught red-handed, yet the Nuclear Phase Out Policy persists. It was written by gaZprom in 2011. Who thinks it's time to move on already?

Closer up—there’s even a report:
Anybody know why the European Greenies have not been sent back to Mordor from whence they spawned?
While Tinne Van der Straeten and her ilk drone on about why the closure of all nuclear power plants in Europe still makes sense, it should be noted that the gaZprom tumors have latched on and started to spawn in the USA, much to the chagrin of New England, New York, and California residents and ratepayers.
It is time to diagnose the cancer for what it is and have it removed before it spreads even more.
LeMonde recently reported that the EU shall fine France €500 million for its failure not to meet CO2 emission goals, but rather EU policy to install Rube Goldberg Energy Machines. France leads the world in low-CO2 emissions.
If you’ve ever wondered what it looks like when a dog’s tail wags the dog, read this:
GaZprom has its absurd “Fossil Fuels Forever Disguised as Rube Goldberg Machines” policy hooks in deep into EU politics. I hope Europeans will eventually wake up prom this nightmare they’ve allowed to exist. The sooner the better.
Good luck with removing that tumour. There's a lot more pain yet to come, unfortunately. Logic, like yours, keeps being thrown at it but no one's listening. Makes you wonder if this whole thing is somehow being played out on some metaphysical plane.
in 1999 Gerhard Schroeder announces all nuclear will be shutdown in Germany by 2020 "replaced by wind & solar". [if you believe that I have 5 bridges to sell you, cheap]. Then just before Schroeder gets booted out of office he signs a $6B contract to build a NG pipeline from Russia to Germany with Gazprom, the Russia NG utility. Plus a $1.7B loan guaranteed by the German gov't. Then shortly after losing the election Schroeder signs on as a chairman with Gazprom at an undisclosed salary. And in 2003 Schroeder quashed an investigation into a company named SPAG in Frankfurt linked to money laundering in several countries run by St. Petersburg's Tambovskaya mafia group with links to Putin, who was on SPAG's advisory board. Schroeder remains on Gazprom's executive board.