Jan 17, 2023Liked by B.F. Randall ⚛ ⛏ ⚡


It is exactly this extreme wastefulness, this inefficiency which is so alluring to the people behind Renewables- because there is an extreme amount of money to be spent - and therefore made (by someone)

The executors of renewable projects have more FUNDING than they know what to do with. They don't even care if the project makes money, even with artificial feed prices. One asset manager i know said that he sent a proposal for $50mn proposal to a fund investor and had a wire transfer the next day

Its the great Grift. Clear as day

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Feb 6, 2023Liked by B.F. Randall ⚛ ⛏ ⚡

Great article -I read this with great interest as I am a retired chemist who worked for Cytec Industries in the mining and minerals division. I also worked in mining wastewater remediation.

The reality is brutal.

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We call it “saving earth to death”.

UN Brundtland Commission’s definition of “Sustainable Development” (since shortened generally to “Sustainability”) from “Our Common Future” 1987: “meeting the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.”

We challenge anyone who fancies themselves as “green and sustainable” to show us how what the author describes in this article pretends to meet that definition.

Keep up the great work!

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Interesting. As someone who is not nearly as invested in understanding our energy sources I listen to those who are. Definitely see issues with “green” energy as entirely problematic and grifting. Still confused about the entire matter. But for certain the Green Energy promoters are con artists. Those who promote the 15 minute “smart” cities, the woke agenda, and the whole grifting scheme need to go. They will not save the planet they think they understand and seek to control. Hubris.

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We must kill the planet to save it is indeed a strange strategy.

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so what is the solution? more ff pollution (which is never given the same kind of wholistic analysis)? denial?

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Your writing is both appreciated and necessary. I'm so thankful to you for your work; it will have an impact.

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Please see in compliment:

The Brutal Human and Environmental Costs of Mining Cobalt for EV Batteries

Sacrifices at the Altar of Climate Change


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To think that in Europe, the EU want to impose all residents to 'green' their homes including solar panel installation at the threat of devaluation of their homes by 2030, assuming its a social democratic govt. As long as Italy remains conservative then they wont do that. 🙏🏻

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