The Only Thing Dumber than Using Energy to Produce Energy is Building Machines to Produce Energy
Machines consume both Energy and valuable Stuff we need for more useful purposes. And making Machines just to make Energy requires even more Energy.
--Second Law of Thermodynamics
The only reason to make Machines to make Energy is if there is no other way to make the energy we need.
If Machines are required for the sole purpose of making Energy, then we ought to use the smallest total volume of Machine-Stuff to make the highest volume of useful Energy for humanity—because making Machines to make Energy is Super Dumb, but I repeat myself.
Nuclear Power produces the most useful energy for humanity with the lowest Material-Machine inputs, net-net [this isn't even a close call]
Source: Link Here
See the entire column of energy - all of it - all the black and the 15% electrical energy below? All total - 100% - is 600 EJ. See the tiny bit of uranium in red above? 3,500 EJ. Behold 600 EJ of energy:
When Energy-Making Machines wear out, dispose of them at the lowest new Energy Cost.
SOURCE: The only reason we made the Machines was because we needed it to make Energy. Wasting new energy to dispose of worn out Energy-Making Machines is dumb.
The only thing dumber than making Machines to make Energy is using even more Energy to Greenwash broken Energy-Making Machines.
Now read this: Dust Bunnies, Civilization, and the Circular Economy Fable