If your Energy Plan involves Mining & Moving Atoms to make Rube Goldberg Machines to "harvest" high-entropy, chaotic energy, instead of Splitting Atoms, the Second Law already wrecked it before you started.
Mining Atoms (Theranos in the red corner) vs. Splitting Atoms (Einstein in the blue corner) - pop some popcorn and let's see who wins. It won’t take long.
Plan for new Nuclear Power as quickly as possible and thrive.
Keep building Magic Machines, and meet the Second Law.
This substack (and tweets, previously) might just be the most important collection of reality that I have seen in my 7 decades on earth. (Don't let that go to your head. Well, OK, but just for a while. Now keep on mining truth :-)
Analogies have mixed flags. Too bad that the Matrix assigned Red Pill (you have awakened) and Blue Pill (snooze-along-with-wokesters). Oh well. In the end, High Entropy/Thermal Death claims all things, but let's keep them "out there" for a long time.
There's a bunch of SMRs already done and in testing. The key is deployment, not reinventing the wheel again. Please note that having to design and get approval for a new SMR design kicks the can pretty far down the road. We don't actually have that time to waste.