Everything on this account is freely shareable. Please share everything I have written. I have done so with the intent to educate, persuade, and advocate for what I see as the noble, shared cause of Civilization itself.
No permission is required to share my stuff, consistent with my intent. The only thing I ask is that you try to provide attribution back to this library so the source is not lost.
If you think Civilization is worthy of saving.
If you think it is better to use diesel fuel to feed the hungry.
If you think it's better to use steel, aluminum, copper, thermoplastics, zinc, glass, etc to build houses to shelter human beings
Stop doing this (below)
and this (US wind power)
And start doing this instead - (SOURCE):
Kudos to you sir. A while ago I notice a prolific commentator on energy had an uncanny correlation of subjects/ideas to what I had been posting. But I came to the same conclusion - this message is way too important to let ego and walled-gardens get in the way - so let everyone who has a voice get it out. I also realized that my own ideas are built on the work of others. I try to give credit always, but undoubtedly I err by omission on occasion and for that I can only say "mea culpa". Love your posts!
Please also write a post on the foolishness of trying to decarbonize a small portion of human carbon emissions from transportation (private/public/commercial) industry while bigger industries (steel, electricity, etc) are ignored. I remember you writing just decarbonizing the transportation industry will need us to mine many times more.
It is a shock that no one has done the cost benefit analysis of decarbonizing bigger polluting industries first.